List of Shardus-Application Interface Functions
Functions Provided by Shardus
- applyResponseAddChangedAccount
- applyResponseAddReceiptData
- applyResponseAddState
- applyResponseSetFailed
- constructor
- createApplyResponse
- createWrappedResponse
- debugCommitAccountCopies
- forwardAccounts
- genericApplyPartialUpdate
- getClosestNodes
- getClosestNodesGlobal
- getConsenusGroupForAccount
- getCycleMarker
- getDebugModeMiddleware
- getDevPublicKey
- getLatestCycles
- getLocalOrRemoteAccount
- getLocalOrRemoteAccountQueueCount
- getLocalOrRemoteCachedAppData
- getLogFlags
- getNode
- getNodeId
- getRandomConsensusNodeForAccount
- getRemoteAccount
- isAccountRemote
- isActive
- isFirstSeed
- isNodeInDistance
- log
- monitorEvent
- on
- patchObject
- put
- registerCacheTopic
- registerExceptionHandler
- registerExternalGet
- registerExternalPost
- resetAppRelatedState
- sendCorrespondingCachedAppData
- set
- setGlobal
- setPartialData
- shardus_fatal
- shutdown
- signAsNode
- start
- syncAppData
- tryInvolveAccount
- updateConfigChangeQueue
- useAccountWrites
Functions Implemented by the Application
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes that a function is required to be implemented
- apply*
- calculateAccountHash*
- canDebugDropTx
- close*
- crack*
- dataSummaryInit
- dataSummaryUpdate
- deleteAccountData*
- deleteLocalAccountData*
- getAccountData*
- getAccountDataByList*
- getAccountDataByRange*
- getAccountDebugValue
- getAccountTimestamp
- getJoinData
- getRelevantData*
- getStateID
- getTimestampAndHashFromAccount
- getTimestampfromTransaction*
- resetAccountData*
- setAccountData*
- sync
- txPreCrackData
- txSummaryUpdate
- transactionReceiptFail
- transactionReceiptPass
- updateAccountFull*
- updateAccountPartial*
- validate*
- validateJoinRequest