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Getting Started

The goal of this section is to help you learn the fundamentals of Shardus by guiding you to build a decentralized to-do list app with Shardus. We will start by setting up the tech stack on your machine.

The repository for this guide can be found here.


Skip this entire step if you successfully followed quickstart section

We need a set of tools with specific versions to successfully use @shardus/core. This tech stack includes the following:

  • Node version 16.11.1
  • Python 3.9 (or latest)
  • Rust

Configuring Node version

It is generally recommended to use nvm (Node Version Manager) to anyone serious about Node.js development. Otherwise, developers may need to install a specific Node version manually.

The nvm tool allows you to quickly switch between different Node versions.

Install nvm here.

After installing nvm on your machine, you are then able to switch to the specific Node version by entering

nvm install 16.11.1


nvm use 16.11.1

Configuring Python 3

Installing Python on a Unix machine is fairly straightforward.

Skip this entire step if you successfully followed quickstart section

For example, to install Python 3 on Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -Sy python3.9

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python3.9

The exact command differs from one Linux system to another depending on what package management tools are being installed on the machine.

For Windows users, this would include downloading Python binaries for Windows and installing it. This is also necessary for Mac systems.

Configuring Rust

Skip this entire step if you successfully followed quickstart section

Currently, npm compiles the Rust libraries on the fly when installing Shardus core. In the future, you would not need to install Rust, as the binaries will be included instead.

Until then, install Rust by following the instructions here. Once rustup is set up on your machine, enter:

rustup install stable
rustup default stable

For other systems see this.

Switch Node version

Make sure that you are using the correct Node version by doing

nvm use 16.11.1

Let's start the project

Now that you have satisfied the prerequisites for the Shardus tech stack, you can start a Node.js project by doing the following.

Create package.json by doing

npm init

Install required global packages

To install node-gyp, please do

npm i -g node-gyp

To install the Shardus CLI, please do

npm i -g shardus

Install local packages

To install required packages to develop, do

npm install @shardus/[email protected]
npm install @shardus/[email protected]
npm install [email protected]
npm install [email protected]
npm install [email protected]

And do

npm install -D @shardus/[email protected]
npm install -D @shardus/[email protected]
npm install -D [email protected]
npm install -D [email protected]
npm install -D [email protected]
npm install -D [email protected]
npm install -D [email protected]

Configuring npm scripts

Now that we have all we need, let's develop the dApp. We will start by creating npm scripts. To do that, let's create a folder called scripts inside the root directory. We will create 3 major scripts for the project called start.js, stop.js, and clean.js, with each doing what it is named.


Populate the content of /scripts/start.js with the following.

const archiverPath = require.resolve('@shardus/archiver')
const monitorPath = require.resolve('@shardus/monitor-server')
const shell = require('shelljs')

console.log('archiverPath, monitorPath:', archiverPath, monitorPath)

async function main () {
  try {
    shell.exec(`yarpm run pm2 start --no-autorestart ${archiverPath}`)
    shell.exec(`yarpm run pm2 start --no-autorestart ${monitorPath}` )
    console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', 'View network monitor at:') // Yellow
    console.log('  http://localhost:\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', '3000') // Green
  } catch (e) {

This script initializes pm2 to start archiver and monitor-server. Archiver servers store the full data of the entire network while a node in a network only stores a fraction of it. Monitor servers basically monitor the nodes coming in, joining, syncing or failing(!).


Populate the content of /scripts/stop.js with the following.

const shell = require('shelljs')

async function main () {
  try {
    shell.exec('yarpm run pm2 stop all')
    shell.exec('yarpm run pm2 kill')
  } catch (e) {

This script stops the process that start.js initiated.


Populate the content of /scripts/clean.js with the following.

const {rm} = require('shelljs');

async function main() {
  try {
      './.pm2 ./db ./logs ./statistics.tsv ./archiver-db* ./archiver-logs ./monitor-logs ./db-old-*'.split(
        ' '
  } catch (e) {

This script cleans the residual files and folders left by archiver and monitor-server.


Lastly, let's configure package.json to run our scripts. Populate the scripts section of package.json with the following.

  "scripts": {
    "pm2": "cross-env PM2_HOME='./.pm2' pm2",
    "start": "node ./scripts/start.js && ts-node ./src/index.ts",
    "stop": "node ./scripts/stop.js",
    "clean": "node ./scripts/clean.js",
    "client": "ts-node ./src/client.ts",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "compile": "tsc"

And configure the main file to ./build/index.js.

Your package.json should look like this

  "name": "d-todo-list",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A decentralized todo list app built on top of shardus to demostrate shardus",
  "main": "./build/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "pm2": "cross-env PM2_HOME='./.pm2' pm2",
    "start": "node ./scripts/start.js && ts-node ./src/index.ts",
    "stop": "node ./scripts/stop.js",
    "clean": "node ./scripts/clean.js",
    "client": "ts-node ./src/client.ts",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "compile": "tsc"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "@shardus/core": "2.5.3",
    "@shardus/crypto-utils": "4.0.4",
    "got": "9.6.0",
    "pm2": "5.2.0",
    "vorpal": "1.12.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@shardus/archiver": "3.2.4",
    "@shardus/monitor-server": "2.0.3",
    "cross-env": "7.0.3",
    "shelljs": "0.8.5",
    "ts-node": "10.7.0",
    "typescript": "^4.0.3",
    "yarpm": "1.1.1"


Your tsconfig file doesn't need to be an exact copy. If you know what you're doing, do whatever you feel like, but just make sure outDir is set to build.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "outDir": "build",
    "allowJs": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "strict": false,
    "noEmitOnError": false,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "resolveJsonModule" :true,
    "noImplicitReturns": false,
    "typeRoots": [
  "include": [
  "exclude": [

Adding an application layer on top of Shardus

Create a folder named src inside the root directory of our project and put index.ts inside it.

Import modules

At the top of our /src/index.ts file, import the following module

import {shardusFactory} from '@shardus/core';
import * as crypto from '@shardus/crypto-utils';

Seeding cryptographic functions

Let's initialize the cryptographic helper functions by providing a 32-byte hexadecimal number. More on @shardus/crypto-utils here.


Shardus configuration

Shardus has a set of configurations that you need to pass into shardusFactory to initialize Shardus. This configuration here tells Shardus that the minimum number of nodes required to allow transactions is 1.


Setting minNodesToAllowTxs to 1 is insecure for productions. Depending on the node joining mechanism you want to implement for your network, this value may vary.

const config = {
  server: {
    p2p: {
      minNodesToAllowTxs: 1,

Now that we have our configuration ready, let's initialize Shardus by doing

const dapp = shardusFactory(config);

Declaring Types

An account is a frame of data in a series of data called accounts. Or simply states.

A transaction is an act or request that results in a change of state/account within the network.

type Account = {
  username: string;
  todo: string[];
  id: string;
  timestamp: number;

type Accounts = {
  [accountId: string]: Account;

type Transaction = {
  type: string;
  accountId?: string;
  username?: string;
  todo?: string[];
  timestamp: number;

type WrappedAccount = {
  data: Account;
  timestamp: number;
  stateId: string;
  accountId: string;

type WrappedAccounts = {
  [accountId: string]: WrappedAccount;


For the simplicity of this guide, we'll use a variable to act as our database to hold the accounts.

let accounts: Accounts = {}; // this is our database

Creating REST API endpoints

Shardus provides a few methods for creating API routes. registerExternalPost and registerExternalGet will be used here to create an API that we can fetch data from.

We will have 3 REST API endpoints.

  • /inject - post request endpoint to inject a transaction.

  • /list/:id - get request endpoint to retrieve the to-do list of a user by providing its ID. ID here simply is a hash of the username.

  • /accounts - get request endpoint to retrieve the entire database (our in-memory object), so you could have some insights on structure of accounts.

dapp.registerExternalPost('inject', (req, res) => {
  try {
    const response = dapp.put(req.body);
  } catch (e) {
dapp.registerExternalGet('list/:id', (req, res) => {
  try {
    const id = req.params['id'];
  } catch (e) {
dapp.registerExternalGet('accounts', (req, res) => {
  try {
  } catch (e) {

Shardus setup function

Shardus takes a set of setup functions that require the dApp developer to implement. They look like this.

  validate(tx) {},
  apply(tx, wrappedAccounts) {},
  setAccountData(accountRecords) {},
  resetAccountData(accountBackupCopies) {},
  deleteAccountData(addressList) {},
  deleteLocalAccountData() {},
  getRelevantData(accountId, tx) {},
  getAccountDataByRange(accountStart, accountEnd, tsStart, tsEnd, maxRecords) {},
  getAccountDataByList(addressList) {},
  getAccountData(accountStart, accountEnd, maxRecords) {},
  updateAccountFull(wrappedData, localCache, applyResponse) {},
  updateAccountPartial(wrappedData, localCache, applyResponse) {},
  calculateAccountHash(account) {},
  close() {},

We are now at the most important part of this guide, which is to implement these setup functions forming the application layer.


Start by implementing the validate function. The purpose of this function is to ensure certain requirements are met before allowing the transaction to get applied.


It is the app developer's responsibility to ensure that the network is secure by validating each transaction thoroughly

For this application, we will be demonstrating a to-do list network where users can create a to-do list tied to a specific user. For the simplicity of this guide, each user will add to and remove from the list of another user.

  validate(tx: Transaction) {
    console.log('==> validate');
    if (
      tx.accountId === undefined ||
      typeof tx.timestamp !== 'number' ||
      tx.type === undefined
    ) {
      return {
        success: false,
        reason: 'Critical Attributes missing',

    switch (tx.type) {
      case 'remove_todo': {
        if (!Array.isArray(tx.todo)) {
          return {
            success: false,
            reason: 'Todo list must be an array',
        return {
          success: true,
          reason: '',
      case 'add_todo': {
        if (!Array.isArray(tx.todo)) {
          return {
            success: false,
            reason: 'Todo list must be an array',
        return {
          success: true,
          reason: '',


apply() is the function responsible for mutating your application state. This function is the only place where any change to the database (or the accounts object, in this example) can occur. This is where we will use our validate helper function that we created earlier. If the transaction that comes in passes our validation function, we can apply this transaction to the state of our application. Within apply, we must return an applyResponse that we can get by calling dapp.createApplyResponse(txId, tx.timestamp), passing in the transaction ID (the hash of the transaction object passed into apply), and the timestamp field from the transaction object. Use the following code as an example of how to implement this function:


Here's a more in-depth explanation of createApplyResponse

  apply(tx: Transaction, wrappedAccounts: WrappedAccounts) {
    console.log('==> apply');
    switch (tx.type) {
      case 'add_todo': {
        const oldList = wrappedAccounts[tx.accountId].data.todo;
        wrappedAccounts[tx.accountId].data.todo = [...oldList, ...tx.todo];
      case 'remove_todo': {
        // remove the todos
        tx.todo.forEach(el => {
          wrappedAccounts[tx.accountId].data.todo = wrappedAccounts[tx.accountId].data.todo.filter(
            todo => todo !== el
    return dapp.createApplyResponse(crypto.hashObj(tx), tx.timestamp);


The crack function is responsible for parsing the public keys of the accounts being affected from this transaction and returning a result object that resembles this:

  sourceKeys: [tx.from],
  targetKeys: [],
  allKeys: [tx.from,], timestamp: tx.timestamp

The sourceKeys property should contain the public key of the account that initiated the transaction, and the targetKeys property should contain the public key(s) of the account(s) being targeted. allKeys should contain all the sourceKeys and targetKeys. Use the following code as an example of how to implement this function:

  crack(tx: Transaction) {
    console.log('==> crack');
    return {
      id: crypto.hashObj(tx),
      timestamp: tx.timestamp,
      keys: {
        sourceKeys: [tx.accountId],
        targetKeys: [tx.accountId],
        allKeys: [tx.accountId],
        timestamp: tx.timestamp,


After the apply function has done its duty, setAccountData() will update our accounts object using a list of account records that Shardus passes to this function. Use the following code to implement this function.

  setAccountData(accountsToSet: Account[]) {
    console.log('==> setAccountData');
    accountsToSet.forEach(account => (accounts[] = account));


Shardus may need to restore previous account records to the node's database and, in order to do that, we provide shardus.setup with a function called resetAccountData().

All we need to do here is to loop through the accountBackupCopies passed into the function. Grab the account from our database using the same backup copy ID, and set the account we grabbed from the copy.

Here's a working example of how this can be done:

resetAccountData(accountBackupCopies) {
  for (const recordData of accountBackupCopies) {
    const accountData =
    accounts[] = {...accountData}


For deleteAccountData(), loop through the addressList passed in as an argument and delete the account in your database associated with each address. You can use the following code to accomplish this:

  deleteAccountData(addressList: string[]) {
    console.log('==> deleteAccountData');
    addressList.forEach(address => delete accounts[address]);


The deleteLocalAccountData function is used to wipe everything thing in the node's database, thus local account data. Use the following code to implement this function:

  deleteLocalAccountData () {
    accounts = {}


getRelevantData() is where we can create accounts. Of course, if the account already exists, all we have left to do is return a wrappedResponse that we can get by calling the createWrappedResponse function exposed by Shardus.

The following demonstrates an implementation of getRelevantData that will work for this basic application:

  getRelevantData(accountId, tx: Transaction) {
    console.log('==> getRelevantData');
    let account: Account = accounts[accountId];
    let accountCreated = false;

    if (!account) {
      account = {
        id: accountId,
        username: tx.username,
        todo: [],
        timestamp: tx.timestamp,
      accountCreated = true;
    return dapp.createWrappedResponse(

In more advanced applications, we will use multiple different account types. Shardus treats all data in the form of accounts, but these accounts can contain whatever data you want. Imagine a social networking application where you can write comments and posts. These types of data would exist on the network in the form of accounts, each with their own account IDs, hashes, and timestamps. getRelevantData will be responsible for creating different accounts based on different transaction types.


The getAccountData function is used by Shardus to fetch a range of account data from our application's database. It provides three arguments.

  • accountIdStart - The minimum account ID from the range of accounts to fetch
  • accountIdEnd - The maximum account ID from the range of accounts to fetch
  • maxRecords - The maximum number of accounts to fetch from database

To implement this, loop through all the accounts in our database and add them to a list of results if their ID is between accountIdStart and accountIdEnd. Wrap each account by using createWrappedResponse() before adding it to the list of results.

  getAccountData(accountIdStart, accountIdEnd, maxRecords) {
    console.log('==> getAccountData');
    const wrappedAccounts: WrappedAccount[] = [];
    const start = parseInt(accountIdStart, 16);
    const end = parseInt(accountIdEnd, 16);

    for (const account of Object.values(accounts)) {
      const parsedAccountId = parseInt(, 16);
      if (parsedAccountId < start || parsedAccountId > end) continue;

      const wacc = dapp.createWrappedResponse(,


      if (wrappedAccounts.length >= maxRecords) return wrappedAccounts;
    return wrappedAccounts;


getAccountDataByRange() will look almost identical to getAccountData. The only difference in this function is that we add another range filter that looks for accounts with timestamp fields between the arguments tsStart and tsEnd. This is what it looks like:

    accountStart: string,
    accountEnd: string,
    dateStart: number,
    dateEnd: number,
    maxRecords: number,
  ) {
    console.log('==> getAccountDataByRange');
    const wrappedAccounts: WrappedAccount[] = [];

    const start = parseInt(accountStart, 16);
    const end = parseInt(accountEnd, 16);

    for (const account of Object.values(accounts)) {
      // Skip if not in account id range
      const id = parseInt(, 16);
      if (id < start || id > end) continue;

      // Skip if not in timestamp range
      const timestamp = account.timestamp;
      if (timestamp < dateStart || timestamp > dateEnd) continue;

      const wrappedAccount = dapp.createWrappedResponse(,


      // Return results early if maxRecords reached
      if (wrappedAccounts.length >= maxRecords) return wrappedAccounts;

    return wrappedAccounts;


To implement getAccountDataByList(), once again we need to use createWrappedResponse().

  1. Loop through the addressList passed in by Shardus.
  2. Grab the account from our database associated with that address.
  3. Wrap the account data using the createWrappedResponse function.
  4. Add to a list of results that we return for Shardus.

  getAccountDataByList(addressList: string[]) {
    console.log('==> getAccountDataByList');
    const wrappedAccounts: WrappedAccount[] = [];

    for (const address of addressList) {
      const account = accounts[address];

      if (!account) continue;

      const wacc = dapp.createWrappedResponse(,


The updateAccountFull function is used to update an account in our application's database. It provides three arguments.

  • wrappedState - The wrapped data of the account to update
  • localCache - Your local application cache
  • applyResponse - The response object generated from the apply function

Grab the accountId, accountCreated, and data fields from wrappedState and put them into separate variables. Create two more variables, hashBefore and hashAfter: hashBefore should be the account's current hash, and hashAfter will be calculated using the crypto module. Then, update the account hash using hashAfter and your database with the new account like so:

  updateAccountFull(wrappedState, localCache: Account, applyResponse) {
    console.log('==> updateAccountFull');
    const {accountId, accountCreated} = wrappedState;
    const updatedAccount = as Account;

    const hashBefore = accounts[accountId]
      ? crypto.hashObj(accounts[accountId])
      : '';

    const hashAfter = crypto.hashObj(updatedAccount);

    accounts[accountId] = updatedAccount;



We don't really need to worry about updateAccountPartial() for the sake of this application. Just use the following code which treats it the same as updateAccountFull():

  updateAccountPartial(wrappedState, localCache: Account, applyResponse) {
    console.log('==> updateAccountPartial');
    this.updateAccountFull(wrappedState, localCache, applyResponse);


As the name suggests, calculateAccountHash() is responsible for returning a new hash from the account that is passed in as an argument. We can easily do this using our crypto module that we imported earlier. First, reset the account hash to an empty string so that we know the hash will change only if the data from some other field on the account changed. Use the following code for implementing this function:

  calculateAccountHash(account: Account) {
    console.log('==> calculateAccountHash');
    return crypto.hashObj(account);


close() tells Shardus what to do on server shutdown or stop. Treat this as a callback function that gets triggered when a node shuts down. For the sake of this application, use the following to implement close.

close () {
  console.log('Shutting down...')

Start the Shardus dApp

Below the setup interface we just configured, call these two additional methods, registerExceptionHandler() and start(), in order to start the server:

// Registers the handler for errors
// Starts the server

That's just about it regarding how to set up a decentralized network using Shardus. Play around by adding more transaction types to your application and remember the setup functions that will need modification when doing so.

Creating the client

We are going to be creating a CLI in order to interact with our server because it's much faster than building a frontend.

You could use something like Postman and hit the inject endpoint with different transaction types for this example application, if you wanted to, since we aren't signing transactions yet. We will start signing transactions in one of our next examples (chat application).

Create client.ts

Now that we have the shardus server set up, we'll interact with it through a cool little CLI app. To do that, first create client.ts inside your ./src/.

Import modules

After you created an empty TypeScript file ./src/client.ts, add the following lines of code to it.

const vorpal = require('vorpal')();
import * as got from 'got';
import * as crypto from '@shardus/crypto-utils';

Seeding cryptographic functions

This 32-byte hexadecimal number must be the same as the one you specified when creating the Shardus server above. Otherwise they will fail to understand each other.



Since our Shardus would sit on port 9001 of our localhost, let's do:

const BASEURL = 'http://localhost:9001';

Transaction injector function

This function is a wrapper around got, which is an HTTP request library allowing us to comfortably inject transactions.

async function inject(url, obj): Promise<string> {
  const response = await, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
    body: JSON.stringify(obj),
  return response.body;

Create todo add command

This function allows us to add to-dos to a list associated with a username:

    'todo add <list> <username>',
    'Add todo to your list associated with your username, Example `todo add "play game and have dinner" joe`'
  .action(async (args, cb) => {
    const todo = args.list.split('and').map(el => {
      return el.trim();

    const tx = {
      type: 'add_todo',
      accountId: crypto.hash(args.username),
      username: args.username,
      todo: todo,

    const API = BASEURL + '/inject';
    const res = await inject(API, tx);



Create todo remove command

This function allows us to remove to-dos from a list associated with a username:

    'todo remove <list> <username>',
    'Remove todo from your list associated with your username, Example `todo remove "play game and have dinner" joe`'
  .action(async (args, cb) => {
    const todo = args.list.split('and').map(el => {
      return el.trim();

    const tx = {
      type: 'remove_todo',
      accountId: crypto.hash(args.username),
      username: args.username,
      todo: todo,
    const API = BASEURL + '/inject';
    const res = await inject(API, tx);


Create todo view command

This code allows us to view a to-do list of a user in a reasonable format:

  .command('todo view <username>', 'View a list of todo for a specific user')
  .action(async (args, cb) => {
    const API = BASEURL + `/list/${crypto.hash(args.username)}`;
    const res = await got.get(API);
    const list = JSON.parse(res.body).todo;, i) => {
      console.log(`${i + 1}.${el}`);

Retrieve the database

This code allows us to see the entire accounts object acting as the database in this project:

vorpal.command('state', 'Query the database').action(async (args, cb) => {
  const API = BASEURL + '/accounts';
  const res = await got.get(API);

Create a prompt

Every CLI needs a prompt, let's create one.


See? As simple as that!! And this is all we need for our client.

Starting the network

We have the server and the client; let's put that into action. When starting a Shardus network we have two options:

  • using npm run start
  • using the Shardus CLI

only use one method at a time to start the network

Using npm run start

This will start a network consisting of only one node. Don't worry, earlier in this guide we set the Shardus configuration to allow us to do transactions with only one node in network.

To start a network with this method do:

npm run start

To stop the network:

npm run stop

To clean the residual files and folders left by npm run start, please do:

npm run clean

To restart the network:

npm run stop && npm run clean && npm run start

Using the Shardus CLI to start the network

This method allows use to start a network consisting as many nodes as we want. Since the Shardus CLI reads package.json to find index.js to start the nodes and our code is in TypeScript, let's compile our code.

To compile:

npm run compile

To start the network consisting of 20 nodes:

shardus create-net 20

To stop the network:

shardus stop-net

To clean residual folders and files, please do:

shardus clean-net

Interact with the network

To interact with the network, let's start the client by doing npm run client. This will prompt you like this:


Try typing help:

~input: help


    help [command...]              Provides help for a given command.
    exit                           Exits application.
    todo add <list> <username>     Add todo to your list associated with your username, Example `todo add "play game and have dinner" joe`
    todo remove <list> <username>  Remove todo from your list associated with your username, Example `todo remove "play game and have dinner" joe`
    todo view <username>           View a list of todo for a specific user
    state                          Query the database

Adding to-dos to a list

~input: todo add "code and have dinner and sleep well" john

Viewing the list

To view the to-do list of user john:

~input: todo view john

The output will be:

2.have dinner
3.sleep well

Let's see what the accounts database looks like

To see all accounts:

~input: state


  'b682e5326e0934c693c9ca334f69741c7492121592c04b9b76a6c28a2bbcc48a': {
    id: 'b682e5326e0934c693c9ca334f69741c7492121592c04b9b76a6c28a2bbcc48a',
    username: 'john',
    todo: [ 'code', 'have dinner', 'sleep well' ],
    timestamp: 1647083258912

What's next

We recommend for you to check out this guide.