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This guide will help you install a basic dApp built on top of the Shardus network. It'll walk you through installing, starting, and stopping both single and multiple node networks, and interacting with the dApp.


Start by cloning Hello Shardus:

git clone

Make sure that you have the correct node version which is 16.11.1

nvm install 16.11.1
nvm use 16.11.1

Now that the correct node version is satisfied, go ahead and play with hello-shardus by doing

cd hello-shardus
npm install
# OR: yarn install

If you encounter major problems doing npm run start or npm i, check out this guide

Single node

Start the seed-node-server, monitor-server, and your index.js server:

npm start
# OR: yarn start

Interact with your index.js server:

npm run client

client$ help


    help [command...]            Provides help for a given command.
    exit                         Exits application.
    state                        Queries the network via a GET request to /state.
    set state <state> <account>  Injects a tx into the network via a POST request to /inject. Whatever
                                 account name you give it, this client will hash that to create a 32 byte
                                 hex string suitable for the server to use as an account address.

Stop the seed-node-server and monitor-server, and clean residual run files:

npm run stop && npm run clean
# OR: yarn stop && yarn clean

Network of nodes

Create a local test network with multiple instances of your index.js server. In order to do that, we need shardus-cli, which is specifically designed to do this. shardus-cli starts a network containing multiple nodes by reading main js file specified inside package.json in the current directory.

Shardus CLI


Make sure that you have the Shardus CLI tool installed globally by doing

npm install -g shardus
# OR: yarn global add shardus

Create a network with specified number of nodes

To create a Shardus network consisting of 3 nodes

shardus create 3

Interact with your network:

npm run client

Stopping and cleaning the network:

Everytime you make a code change, you need to restart the network. In order for a successful restart, you need to first stop the previously running network and clean the residual files it generated.

shardus stop

Clean databases and logs from the last run:

shardus clean


Congratulations! You've successfully installed, launched, stopped, cleaned, and interacted with a Shardus network. You can now proceed to the next section to learn the finer details of how to develop decentralized applications with Shardus.